You can download an application form for FULL MEMBERSHIP HERE. Your application needs to either, be proposed and seconded by existing full members of the club or furthered by committee recommendation. If you don't know anyone at the club get in touch and a member of the committee will have a chat about the club and meet you.
Lesley Drayton (Membership Secretary)
email: membership@sibc.club
Full Membership
You must be a boat owner to apply for Full Membership.
If your application is accepted you will then be invited for interview, after which there is a period of at least 2 weeks to ensure that the general membership can view your application.
If approved, you will then be sent a letter to join the club and on receipt of your joining fee (non refundable) and subscriptions, you will be sent a mooring application form to complete, which should then be sent back to our Harbourmaster for inclusion on the mooring waiting list. You may be able to have a temporary mooring, dependant on availability. Your first year of membership is probationary, during this time you will be supported by a designated (existing) member who will help you with all things Strawberry Island.
Please note S.I.B.C. does not have residential moorings or allow residential use of craft moored at S.I.B.C.
Full Membership fees (from 1 Jan 2024) are as below:
Joining fee of £415.00 + VAT (£500.00).
Annual membership fee of £169.00 inc VAT per couple.
Annual membership fee of £97.00 inc VAT single member.
You are welcome to visit the club either by car or boat
To gain access by car there is an intercom at the gate which is connected to the Clubhouse – explain that you are prospective member and would like to have a look at the club. Then go to the clubhouse to introduce yourself.
By boat. Find somebody and explain you are a visitor and ask which mooring to use. All our moorings are occupied by members so a vacant mooring may not be available due to the member’s imminent return
Associate Membership
Associate membership is aimed for people who want to take part in the vibrant social scene at SIBC.
It's the perfect level of membership for friends and family of full members.
You can download an application form for ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP HERE.
Single Associate Membership fee is £30.00 per year (incl. VAT).
Joint Associate Membership fee is £60.00 per year (incl. VAT).
Junior Membership
Our newly revamped Junior Membership is open to Children and Grandchildren of full members of SIBC.
You can download an application form for JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP HERE.
Junior Membership fee is £5.00 per year